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There are checks but not much balance fiscal or political in the current state of democracy with Obama, with Trump, with the Democrats or the Republicans in the White House or with majority in none, both or either house. To present Obama as a democrat is a joke; Obama was a product and a puppet of the establishment and to such an extent he feels comfortable and they feel comfortable with him in Martha's Vinyard. Trum at least, for the first time in decades seems to have at least some of the key concerns of ordinary Americans at heart, not because he identifies with ordinary Americans, he can not because he is a billionaire, but he is sensible enough to realize the current elites treat ordinary Americans as idiots who can ve impoverished a little more every year while they enrich themselves a few more billions, cushy jobs for politicians who toe the line, etc. Trump realized ordinary Americans are getting a little angrier every year. He also knows than when the majority of the people really get mad they take to the streets, they chase the elites out of the country or organize for them parties hosted by Madame Guillotine.

The root problem is there are no checks and balances because for all the rivalry among the parties, much talk about judicial independence, the political clase, the political parties are all different flavours of the same ice cream; the party in power has more power than the other party but the senators and representatives out of power continue to live excellent lives; great incomes, paid talks, books, cushy jobs when they retire or if they lose the election. The only difference between both parties is that Democrats are always more government but Republican do not reduce it either. They both appoint judges who, by definition are political, right up to the Supreme Court. Then you have the lobbies who control both parties through contributiobs to electoral campaigs. Even Trump is controlled by the Israeli lobby and the big tech lobby.

The cause of all that concerns you is that the American people only have the power to vote for the candidates the lobbies/party apparatus put before them, Trump is the exception. The American people do not have the power to decide who will be candidate and much less the power to decide, on their own initiative, policies, laws, treaties or the contents of the constitution. The result is what we see; politicians and lobbies can not resist takind advantage of the system a little more every year.

To fix the system the US needs the Swiss syst of real people power. Real power means power to elect and power to decide ANYTHING the prople choose to decide. Study the Swiss system and bring it to the US and the rest. TheSwissPoliticalSystem.com

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